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The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Supporting Nurse Well-being

|Ìý Resource & Social Media Toolkit

A nation cannot fully thrive until everyone—no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they make—can live their healthiest possible life, and helping people live their healthiest life is and has always been the essential role of nurses. Ultimately, the health and well-being of nurses influence the quality, safety, and cost of the care they provide, as well as organizations and systems of care.

This slide deck explores the factors that impact well-being for nurses, why it’s critical we address nurse well-being urgently, and the integrated interventions employers of nurses, nursing education programs, nursing leaders, licensing boards, and nursing organizations, can implement to support nurses fully.

Use the talking points and key messages in this resource to facilitate discussions among your networks that can catalyze change in the systems, structures, and policies that affect the health and well-being of nurses.

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Ìý Ìý A NEW resource from the #FutureofNursing2030 underscores the urgent need to bolster the systems, structures, & policies that affect nurse well-being to improve the health of our nation. Learn more:

Ìý How can nursing organizations, nurse leaders, institutions that educate nurses, & employers of nurses reduce burnout & improve well-being? A new resource from the #FutureofNursing offers integrated & evidence-based solutions to effectively move forward:

Ìý Ensuring nurse well-being is not just good for nurses, it is essential for patient health & safety and functioning health systems. A new resource offers solutions to support nurses in the critical role they play in our nation’s health—#FutureofNursing2030

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A new resource from the 911±¬ÁÏÍø Academy of Medicine aims to advance the critical need of supporting nurse well-being and leading the Future of Nursing into 2030. By harnessing the potential of nurse practitioners and utilizing their skills, knowledge, and dedication, we can make strides in improving patient-focused equitable care, affordably. To achieve this goal, we must bolster the systems, structures, and policies that affect the health and well-being of nurses. Learn more about how we can ensure nurse well-being for the health of our nation:

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